Michael Roberson (New York) is a public health practitioner, activist, and leader within the LGBTQ community. He will deliver a talk entitled The Trans Sound of Black Freedom, detailing insights and stories from his community of House | Ball artists, who are now establishing the Ballroom Freedom School in New York City.  


The Musagetes Foundation is concerned with the role the arts can play in addressing the faultlines of modern society. Musagetes is a hub for activist interventions that advance the role of the arts in modern life. It operates mainly by convening – by creating living experiences, some small, some large, that bring people together to articulate social needs, generate ideas and spark action.

CAFKA initiates conversations around public space and the social and critical functions of art. CAFKA's programming seeks resonance and support in the community where issues of ecology, marginalized communities, cultural participation, technology and urban life overlap with the issues addressed by contemporary artists.

Together, Musagetes and CAFKA are partners and co-producers of the Big Ideas in Art and Culture lecture series.