
Luke Hart (London, UK), Walking with Synthetic Being Seven (Peg Leg), 2009,mixed media performance. Photo: Owen Cherry.
Walking With Synthetic Being Seven (Peg Leg) is a performance involving a synthetic organism that the artist walks around the exhibition. Luke Hart plays with the ideas of fakery and mimesis through contrast of real and synthetic skin. He views synthetic skin not as merely a sculptural material or a stand in for the organic, but as a legitimate alternative to what is generally called " natural." His "peg leg" is not based on anything organic, but on the "idea" of the peg leg as a cultural object, mythologized by images of pirates and Captain Ahab type characters from fiction and history.
A Graduate of Brooklyn's Pratt Institute, Luke Hart lives and works in London, England. Primarily a sculptor, Hart uses techniques from hyperrealism and film special effects to create synthetic organisms, and analogies of organic function, in sculpture and performance. Luke Hart plays with the ideas of fakery and mimesis through the contrast of real and synthetic skin. He views synthetic skin not as merely a sculptural material or a stand in for the organic, but as a legitimate alternative to what is generally called “natural.”